FB-45 A Practical Course in Teaching English as a Foreign Language Methodology 
FB-45 La Enseñanza del inglés a Estudiantes Españoles: Metodología y Práctica – Course syllabus in Spanish
This training course offers a theoretical and practical approach to the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) to Spanish-speaking students. Classroom practice will be fostered which includes activities in the class, activities outside the class under the supervision of a tutor and the opportunity to take part of the course in a Spanish school with Spanish students in the city of Seville. This way, not only theoretical content but also the cultural aspects which are involved in the practice of teaching English as a foreign language will be dealt with.   

FB-03 Corrective Phonetics and Conversation
FB-03 Fonética Correctiva y Conversación – Course syllabus in Spanish
This class is designed to theoretically and systematically help students develop and build on their communication skills (comprehension and production), in their Spanish speaking.

There will be a focus on what phonetic mistakes are made the most by the student, especially those made within their natural context in the sessions, in which they will encounter dialogues, informal discussions, lectures and video performances, etc.

FB-12 Spanish Grammar
FB-12 Gramática Española – Course syllabus in Spanish
The aim of this Course is to improve, and develop further, students’ communication skills, paying attention to key issues affecting the Grammar of Spanish. 
In terms of an Advanced-Level Course, students would need to keep abreast of grammatical circumstances concerning variants within the language, as well as issues related to the interaction of norms and usage. 
Likewise, students will be expected to acquire a certain degree of knowledge of the theoretical dimension of Grammar so as to ensure further understanding of the constructions to be employed within practical communication. 

FB-31 Introduction to Translation: Culture, Vocabulary, and Process
FB-31 Iniciación a la Traducción: Cultura, Vocabulario y Proceso  – Course syllabus in Spanish
This course aims to present the basic principles of translation between English and Spanish, for which a number of basic concepts will be explained to understand the process of translation.  

The process will be done in a practical way in order that the student acquires an understanding of the phases, and the practical tools currently used by translators. Two key concepts will be explained through translation: linguistic competence and cultural competence.  

This course seeks to make the student aware of the importance of good writing and the precise use of language.

FB-32 Progressive Spanish for English-speaking Students 
FB-32 Español Progresivo para Estudiantes Angloparlantes – Course syllabus in Spanish
This class is designed for English-speaking students who already have a basic knowledge of Spanish. The key goal is to improve their Spanish communication skills, through the consolidation of grammar and the introduction of practical, useful vocabulary, which will allow them to cope with the communication encounters of everyday life. On the one hand, the teaching methodology will be based on the knowledge of grammatical rules and their practical application, via specific activities, whilst on the other hand, it will also involve the gradual and progressive use of Spanish as a tool of communication within the classroom.

FB-42 Learning Spanish Vocabulary 
FB-42 Aprendizaje de Vocabulario Español – Course syllabus in Spanish
The aim of this Course is to enable students to acquire vocabulary in a gradual way, while taking into account the range of lexical categories involved. As an essentially practical subject, emphasis is placed on becoming knowledgeable about the acquisition of phraseological units, which are key to mastering colloquial Spanish, as well as on the relations at work within synonymity, an essential tool in lexical enrichment, as well as on the capacity to adapt to different communicative situations. For this reason, a pragmatic stance will be adopted throughout. Likewise, the importance of the dictionary for lexical learning will be taken into account.

FB-10 Contemporary Spanish Cinema 
FB-10 Cine Español Contemporáneo – Course syllabus in Spanish
Taking into consideration the students that are visiting, this course covers a large scale of cultural perspectives, taking the study further than just a cinematic and historic overview. Films are understood as audiovisual works, which can be approached as texts or the artistic expression of the author, whilst simultaneously determined by their social, historical, linguistic, and literary contextualization.

FB-23 Psychology of Persuasion in the Mass media: From Advertising to Propaganda
FB-23 Psicología de la Persuasión en los Mass Media: De la Publicidad a la Propaganda – Course syllabus in Spanish
The fundamental aim of the Course is to address the issue of persuasion and manipulation as strategies by which the media can "enter into" our minds and direct our behavior. Moreover, what will also be undertaken is a brief diachronic review of the historical forms assumed by persuasive discourse types and, fundamentally, by advertising and propaganda.

FB-35 Painting in Literary Seville
FB-35 Pintar la Sevilla Literaria – Course syllabus in Spanish
This course is for students who want to understand the city of Seville and its artistic heritage, combining the literature of Seville with the art of painting. To have a profound knowledge of a city and its heritage requires a very careful study of its most emblematic places. Painting is the perfect way to do this, giving one a greater vision of the city. We use different techniques: pencil, charcoal, watercolor, and ink, etc. Students get to have enjoyable classes that take place in parks, plazas, streets and the monuments of Seville, the Guadalquivir River, the Alcázar, the Barrio Santa Cruz, giving them the settings they need to study their subject, its form and history. With this class, they will discover the city of Seville, its hidden places and architecture, like no other student! At the end of the semester, the students will have a fine collection of drawings and paintings, which can make great souvenirs and gifts for their friends and families. They will have also acquired a deep understanding of painting; perspective and composition, which will help them appreciate art for the rest of their lives.

FB-47 Understand Flamenco through Dance: Theory and Practice of Flamenco Dancing
FB-47 Comprender el Flamenco a Través del Baile: Teoría y Práctica del Baile Flamenco
– Course syllabus in Spanish 
Of the three main modalities within Flamenco, unlike singing (cante) and guitar playing (toque), dance is the one that has had the greatest projection, to the point of becoming the ambassador of the genre in the most prestigious venues in the world. Each year, this form of artistic expression, declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, attracts thousands of people from every country, who come to Spain to try to understand and enjoy Andalucía’s most universal art.

GB-01 An Introduction to the History of Contemporary Spain
GB-01 Introducción a la Historia de España Contemporánea – Course syllabus in Spanish
The main objective of this course is to provide students with as inclusive an overview as possible of the contemporary history of the Hispanic world, taking into account the period between the final third of the eighteenth century and the present day. An exploration will be made into the political, institutional, social, economic, and cultural factors involved. Accordingly, the course will be geared toward ensuring that students assimilate not only knowledge, but also critical capacity. Thus this will enable them to acquire an adequate understanding of our era, whilst at the same time, endeavour to make them aware of the fundamental structural changes that have contributed to forging this same geographical environment. 

GB-09 Flamenco: An Expression of the Culture of Andalucia
GB-09 El Flamenco: Expresión Cultural de Andalucía – Course syllabus in Spanish
Flamenco will be broached as a cultural phenomenon in its widest sense; i.e., taking into account the elements that link it with music, social interaction, and communication, as well as its display of lyricism, whilst not forgetting its connections with contexts related to work, ritual and festive occasions. As a result of this approach, flamenco is viewed as a manifestation which goes beyond the strictly artistic, whilst possessing the capacity to generate social identity, in the case of Andalucía, on the basis of ethnic factors, but not exclusively so. In order to illustrate this plan of action, use will be made of a historically based analysis, to be able to carry out a reconstruction of the major processes by means of which, up until the present day, flamenco has emerged as a cultural manifestation in the southern part of Peninsular Spain. The objective of the first part of the course is to bring students who are unfamiliar with flamenco music, into contact with its key features. This will enable them to appreciate flamenco as a musical language and as a communicative model with its own specific characteristics. Thereafter, the same will be done with regard to Flamenco as a dance. In the second section, students will learn about the different phases that have contributed to the history of flamenco, whilst they will also be introduced to debates concerning its interaction with a range of cultural traditions, some of which remain distanced in time and space. This process will allow students to identify and understand the historical roots of the beginnings of flamenco in Andalucía, together with an awareness, although cursory, of the debates that have encouraged a specialised biography on the historical and cultural starting point of flamenco. Finally, the third section will focus on the characteristics of flamenco as an expression of social interaction and a communicative model, while its current validity in contemporary society, within diverse social and festive contexts, is scrutinized, along with the key characteristics of its lyrics as a manifestation of poetic art.

GB-17 The Historical Projection of Three Cultures: Christians, Muslims and Jews
GB-17 La Proyección Histórica de las Tres Culturas: Cristianos, Musulmanes y Judíos – Course syllabus in Spanish
This Course will explore the role played by Christians, Moslems, and Jews in the creation of Medieval Spain from the time of the Islamic Invasion of 711, through the emergence of the Frontier and its territorial evolution, to the period of the reign of the Catholic Monarchs, including the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain, the End of Tolerance, and the Conquest of the Kingdom of Granada in 1492. Likewise, an analysis will be carried out of the fundamental characteristics of the coexistence of these three civilizations in terms of the problems derived therefrom, and in terms of the socio-cultural relations and different mind-sets affecting everyday life.

GB-18 Present-Day Spain  and the Context of International Relations
GB-18 La España y las Relaciones Internacionales – Course syllabus in Spanish
The aim of this Course is to provide students with as detailed an overview as possible of Spain’s International Relations and Foreign Policy within the period dating from the Second World War until the Present Day. With this aim in mind, a specific methodology has been designed in terms of the kind of students participating in the Course, while also taking into account its duration, as well as the distribution of its sessions which will be divided between those of a practical kind and those which are theoretical in character.

GB-19 The History of Slavery in Latin America
GB-19 Historia de la Esclavitud en América Latina – Course syllabus in Spanish
Using as departure points the origins of both indigenous and African-based slavery, the tides of slave population movements, ports of entry, factors related to legislation, settlements, and licenceholding, as well as the approximate extent of the trafficking involved, a study will be made of the economic activities of all types for which slaves were used, the main emphasis being placed on the plantation regime. Account will also be taken of matters of a social nature related to the everyday existence and death of slaves. Lastly, the dissolution of the slavery regime will be explored, by means of an analysis of the different kinds of abolitionist processes involved. The geographical context to be explored is that which corresponds to the Hispanic and Portuguese colonies, given their statistical, economic, and cultural relevance.

GB-24 Photography: Theory, History and Art Photography
GB-24 Fotografía: Teoría, Historia y Técnica Fotográfica – Course syllabus in Spanish
This course has the following objectives:

· Learning how to read photographs and their meanings in the present.
· Develop technical photography skills.
· Understand the possibilities of photography as a form of expression and information.
· Knowledge of the history of photography.
· The importance of new technologies applied to photography.
· Improve an analytic vision of contemporary images.
· Improve social skills and group work.

GB-26 Jewish History and Culture Within Spain
GB -26 Historia y Cultura Judía en España – Course syllabus in Spanish
The Course will develop through a combination of teacher input with regard to the explanation of syllabus contents -always supported by the screening of slides that will convey those same contents-, together with the commenting on, and debate about, materials (texts, images, maps) from the period concerned on the part of students. Syllabus contents will also be backed up by audio-visual media content that will be shown during classroom sessions. Additionally, also to be carried will be a series of cultural visits, guided and commented on by the Course teacher, to different historical-artistic local spots within the city of Sevilla which are especially significant, as in the case of the city’s Jewish Quarter.

GB-27 Wine in Spain: History, Culture, and Economics
GB-27 El Vino en España: Historia, Cultura y Economía – Course syllabus in Spanish
The aim of this Course is to enable students to become knowledgeable about Wine, one of Spain’s most culturally important and economically relevant elements, by means of the study of its history, the range of types it has and their modes of production, the key wine-producing regions, its impact on the Spanish economy in regional and national terms, and the recent evolution in tourist-based activities that have developed around it.

GB-28 Cuisine Culture in Spain
GB-28 Cultura de la Gastronomía en España – Course syllabus in Spanish
The course syllabus is structured around the history of the gastronomy of the Spanish culture from the kitchen of the first settlers to today, studying the influence of Mediterranean and American cultures, the Mediterranean triad (olive oil, wine, and bread) and the importance of the Mediterranean diet as a way to lead a healthy life.
It is essential that the student have a sufficient degree of knowledge of Spanish to be able to understand the classes which are taught in that language. On the other hand it requires a basic knowledge of history.
This course is for students of any program. The course objectives are that the student knows the history of a kitchen and an ancient culture, and that this knowledge will be beneficial to your health.

GB-29 Women in the History of Latin America
GB-29 Mujeres en la Historia de América – Course syllabus in Spanish
This course will explore the presence of women within the political, economic, and cultural processes involved in the history of Latin America. The suggestion is that it has become essential to analyse in greater depth, the female Latin-American universe, conceived of as a multi-ethnic reality. Personal and family honor, sexuality, and zones of public action conquered by women throughout history constitute the subject-matter which will be dealt with. Syllabus content will be distributed thematically so as to facilitate a chronologically-based overview stretching from colonization to the present day, while considering the role of women in the home, the economy, as well as politics and culture.

GB-30 Women in Art: Visions from the Perspectives of Difference and Equality
GB-30 La Mujer en el Arte. Visiones desde la Diferencia y la Igualdad – Course syllabus in Spanish
This Course is designed with two key objectives in mind: firstly, to contribute to the recovery from academic oblivion of the women artists who have produced creative output throughout history and who, due to a range of different conditioning factors of a social kind, have remained on the margins of the Art World; secondly, to raise awareness of, and encourage reflexion about, the situation of women within the present-day Art environment, as well as about the aims pursued by tendencies within feminist criticism, together with the endeavor, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, of the woman artist in the search for gender equality in society.

GB-35 Culture and Traditions in Andalusia
GB-35 Cultura y Tradiciones en Andalucía 
– Course syllabus in Spanish
To provide an understanding of the rich heritage and diversity of traditional Andalusian culture, while enabling it to be appreciated.

GB-38 Sevilla´s Historical-Artistic Heritage 
GB-38 Patrimonio Histórico-Artístico de Sevilla - Course syllabus in Spanish
This Course is based on two fundamental objectives: firstly, in theoretical sessions, to provideThis Course is based on two fundamental objectives: firstly, in theoretical sessions, to providestudents with an introduction to Sevilla's key monuments and customs, thus enabling them to becomefamiliar with their historical and artistic reality; secondly, to ensure that those same participants in theCourse get to know these monuments directly, even propitiating thereby their experiencing of them.

GB-39 The European Union in the Face of the Political, Socio-Economic, and Territorial Challenges of the Twenty-First Century 
GB-39 La Unión Europea ante los Retos Políticos, Socio-Económicos y Territoriales del Siglo XXI - Course syllabus in Spanish
The main objective of this Course will be to ensure that students acquire basic knowledgeThe main objective of this Course will be to ensure that students acquire basic knowledgeconcerning the European Union in a global world. By the end of the Course students should havebecome familiar with documentation resources which provide information on Europe, with the tools foraccessing the statistics they contain, as well as with specific European Union-related vocabulary. Afurther objective consists of motivating students to become involved in the European Union from anacademic perspective, while keeping in mind their own personal foci of interest.

FB-07 Spanish Literature’s mythic Figures  
FB-07 Mitos Literarios Españoles – Course syllabus in Spanish
This Course is intended to enable students to take their first steps in becoming knowledgeable about the study of Spanish literature. A hybrid theoretical-practical approach will be adopted via the exploration of key works which gave rise to the creation in writing of a range of mythic figures within Spanish culture, figures which have become universally known. Moreover, a further aim is to promote the city of Seville’s own myths.

FB-17 The City Constructed  in Literature: The Case of Seville 
FB-17 Literatura y Ciudad: El Caso de Sevilla – Course syllabus in Spanish
The main objective of this Course is the study of key authors and works within Spanish Literature which use the city of Sevilla as their referent. In this way, light can be shed upon how such authors viewed the city itself, its people, its customs, its scenarios, etc. 

FB-27 Literature and Cuisine: Reading, Writing, Cooking, Eating 
FB-27 Literatura y Cocina. Escribir, Leer, Cocinar, Comer – Course syllabus in Spanish
This class gives students a way to approach the Spanish world of cooking and food in different periods throughout history, by taking a look at literature. It is not intended to cover all aspects of Spanish cooking, but rather act as a humble appetizer that should whet the appetite for the great banquet of literature in its relation to food, cooking, and gastronomy. 

FB-44 Contemporary Spanish American Literature 
FB-44 Literatura Hispanoamericana Contempóranea – Course syllabus in Spanish
The aim of this Course is to provide an overview of the main literary trends that have emerged in Latin America since the beginning of the 20th century, via the study of some of the key authors involved.