Spanish Language and Grammar

FB-03 Corrective Phonetics and Conversation
FB-03 Fonética Correctiva y Conversación – Course syllabus in Spanish
This class is designed to theoretically and systematically help students develop and build on their communication skills (comprehension and production), in their Spanish speaking.

There will be a focus on what phonetic mistakes are made the most by the student, especially those made within their natural context in the sessions, in which they will encounter dialogues, informal discussions, lectures and video performances, etc.

FB-12 Spanish Grammar
FB-12 Gramática Española – Course syllabus in Spanish
The aim of this Course is to improve, and develop further, students’ communication skills, paying attention to key issues affecting the Grammar of Spanish. 
In terms of an Advanced-Level Course, students would need to keep abreast of grammatical circumstances concerning variants within the language, as well as issues related to the interaction of norms and usage. 
Likewise, students will be expected to acquire a certain degree of knowledge of the theoretical dimension of Grammar so as to ensure further understanding of the constructions to be employed within practical communication. 

FB-31 Introduction to Translation: Culture, Vocabulary, and Process
FB-31 Iniciación a la Traducción: Cultura, Vocabulario y Proceso  – Course syllabus in Spanish
This course aims to present the basic principles of translation between English and Spanish, for which a number of basic concepts will be explained to understand the process of translation.  

The process will be done in a practical way in order that the student acquires an understanding of the phases, and the practical tools currently used by translators. Two key concepts will be explained through translation: linguistic competence and cultural competence.  

This course seeks to make the student aware of the importance of good writing and the precise use of language.

FB-32 Progressive Spanish for English-speaking Students 
FB-32 Español Progresivo para Estudiantes Angloparlantes – Course syllabus in Spanish
This class is designed for English-speaking students who already have a basic knowledge of Spanish. The key goal is to improve their Spanish communication skills, through the consolidation of grammar and the introduction of practical, useful vocabulary, which will allow them to cope with the communication encounters of everyday life. On the one hand, the teaching methodology will be based on the knowledge of grammatical rules and their practical application, via specific activities, whilst on the other hand, it will also involve the gradual and progressive use of Spanish as a tool of communication within the classroom.

FB-42 Learning Spanish Vocabulary 
FB-42 Aprendizaje de Vocabulario Español – Course syllabus in Spanish
The aim of this Course is to enable students to acquire vocabulary in a gradual way, while taking into account the range of lexical categories involved. As an essentially practical subject, emphasis is placed on becoming knowledgeable about the acquisition of phraseological units, which are key to mastering colloquial Spanish, as well as on the relations at work within synonymity, an essential tool in lexical enrichment, as well as on the capacity to adapt to different communicative situations. For this reason, a pragmatic stance will be adopted throughout. Likewise, the importance of the dictionary for lexical learning will be taken into account.