Management and Organisation of Tourism Businesses - (Also listed under Business)
Course code: 5320015
This course is also offered in English

Analysis of the concept and levels of tourism-business management. In-depth study of management, planning, organisation, administration and control processes. Practical case studies linked to the tourism sector.

Market Structure - (Also listed under Business) 
Course code: 5320017
Study of the key actors involved in the structure of the tourism market: accommodation, transport, catering, etc. Analysis of tourism’s importance and effects on a territory’s economy. Also describes the keys factors for analysing the structure of the tourism supply and drawing conclusions. Finally, analyses various different parameters involved in how the tourist demand arriving in Spain, Andalusia and Seville behaves: places of origin, organisation of the trip, expenditure, etc.

Management of Tourism Operations II - (Also listed under Business) 
Course code: 5320025
Organisation of production processes in tourism operations, focusing particularly on the hotel sector. Beginning with the basic structure of a hotel, its productive units will be identified, their role in the production processes that provide services for users and, finally, the basic operations that take place in those units. 

Types of Tourism Spaces (Also listed under Geography)
Course code: 
Introduction to the study of the environment for the development of tourism, its implementation and planning, as well as the models and characteristics of tourism spaces. Also differentiates between generic tourism spaces and specific segments or products in the territories studied. Teaches students to find and interpret information on special tourism destinations.

Spanish Tourism Regions - (Also listed under Geography)
Course code: 5320048
Takes a global and at the same time diversified view of Spain’s tourism spaces, conceived as a set of front-rank International resorts. Explores identification and knowledge of the country’s main geographical features — both physical/natural and sociocultural — and focusing particularly on their roles as tourist-attraction resources or factors.