Advertising, Culture and Content Development (Also listed under Advertising)
Course code: 5370051
The social changes that have taken place during the postmodern stage in which we live have generated in our professional environment has undergone major transformations. Among these changes, the advertising message has been one of the communication tools that has received a greater mismatch. The saturation of information, the emergence of social networks, and hybridization of communicative tools have had as a result that consumers find it increasingly difficult to differentiate advertising from information. This course will explore what are these new formats that have appeared (talk about advertisement, product placement, comics ...) to make a critical study of these techniques and how to proper implement them from a strategic point. It is therefore a purely strategic course that will study brand and its contents, studying the latter from a cultural perspective as the main basis for the delivery of brand values.

News-reporting Discourse – Radio and Television (Also listed under Journalism)
Course code: 5380035
Special features of journalism applied to radio and television. Specific formats and language. Study of the audiovisual journalism message from different viewpoints. Theoretical knowledge of discourse and guidance in starting to work in the different genres of journalism in audiovisual media. The starting point is that discourse is a formal structure, a logical organisation of signs with a precise significance. Journalists use discourse to report events, describe situations, personalities and scenes; assess events and comment on news.

Technology of Audiovisual Media (Also listed under Journalism)
Course code: 5380019
Introduction to the study of technology’s role in all processes in the audiovisual production chain: recording, editing, postproduction and broadcasting. Study of the handling, use and potential of technology for professionals in television, radio and the Internet.

Audiovisual Theory and Techniques Applied To Journalism (Also listed under Journalism)
Course code: 5380020
This course is also offered in English.
Provides basic theoretical and practical knowledge of the instruments and techniques involved in preparing audiovisual messages for radio and television. Builds skills for the analysis of audiovisual products with a view to recognising technical and expressive resources.

Diseño de Programas Informativos (Also listed under Journalism)
Course code: 5380029
Develops the skills and abilities necessary to produce journalism content using currently available languages and technological platforms (press, radio, television and networks). Training in the design and production of news programmes involving team work and journalistic multitasking.

Information Structure (Also listed under Journalism)
Course code: 5370006
Study of the complex media world from a critical viewpoint. The aim is to reveal the links and bonds that exist between different media, and the web of political and economic interests that underlies media messages, in order for students to understand the environment in which they will be working. In the specific case of advertising students, the subject enables them to discover the complexity of the media business and helps them to understand advertising’s role in the working of the media.

Communication Departments (Also listed under Journalism)
Course code: 5370030
Knowledge of the management of communication within any organisation, institution or business. Knowledge of the processes that enable us to project an enhanced image of the organisation to the public, to provide further benefits (economic, political, etc.) for the organisation. Study of PR departments as managers of all an organisation’s communication. Analysis of the triple dimension of communication within organisations: their relations with the media, regulation of internal communication processes and creation of the organisation’s visual identity.

Tv and Radio Programming and Management
Course code: 5390033

TV AND RADIO PROGRAMMING AND MANAGEMENT Analysis of the structures, content and styles of television and radio programming. Study of the variables that affect it and which the communication processes generated are used to shape programming. Introduction to tools for content analysis. Knowledge of the criteria used to create programming schedules.

Theory, Production and Direction Of Radio Genres
Course code: 5390034
Provides the key theoretical and practical ideas necessary to analyse and exercise genres in different radio products and formats, particularly focusing on the genres most commonly found in news, such as reporting and interviews.

New Audiovisual-Media Technologies (Also listed under Communications)
Course code: 5390031
This course is also offered in English.

Multimedia and convergence in network communication. New digital languages. Online audiovisual distribution. Cyberculture and communication. Specific skills. Learning about online communication models and formats. Knowledge of strategies to analyse, research and develop online cultural practices. Development of skills for obtaining and distribution of audiovisual content over new digital channels.

Production of Multimedia Content
Course code: 5390046
Familiarises students with processes and tools for the creation of multimedia content, with a view to learning the techniques and working processes of this specific subsector within the audiovisual sector. Students are also given an overview of the aesthetic and technical needs involved in the task of creating multimedia and Interactive content.

Audiovisual and Multimedia Theory and Criticism
Course code: 5390047
Provides the necessary knowledge for students to have sufficient theoretical, methodological and critical resources to

enjoy and deploy all the diversity and complexity of the audiovisual and multimedia phenomenon.

Online Innovation in Journalism
Course code: 5380047
This course is also offered in English.
Study and understanding of online Communications, new media qualities of knowledge innovation, and the creative and artistic process of journalism production. Develops creativity and new ideas in the production of media content.

Advertising Production and Direction in Audiovisual Media
Course code: 5370047
Knowledge and understanding of the functions and objectives of the production department within communication firms. Analysis of the production-related aspects of the advertising business. Study of direction and production processes, cases and systems from diverse structural perspectives. This subject focuses above all on knowledge of an advertising agency’s production department, thereby bringing students closer to the business world.

Production and Audiovisual Business I (Also listed under Cinema)
Course code: 5390018
Theoretical and practical training in modalities of the audiovisual production process (film and television) through knowledge, coordination, planning, implementation and control of the human, technical, financial and organisational resources necessary to create an audiovisual work, understood as the step between the idea and the product.

Film-making I (Also listed under Cinema)
Course code: 5390019
Study and practice of diverse audiovisual directing techniques, focusing particularly on multicamera directing for TV programmes. The directing of fictional content and documentaries is not specifically covered, as these genres are dealt with by other compulsory and optional course subjects. Analysis of the functioning of television programmes, mainly news content, from the viewpoint of the work of the direction team. Acquiring the basic skills and work routines necessary to produce and direct television programmes.

Basic Processes of Audiovisual Mise En Scene. Directing And Acting (Also listed under Cinema)
Course code: 5390032
Teaches students about the artistic application of the various disciplines involved in mise en scène, through the full process of conception, planning, production, rehearsal and performance.

History of Social Communication (Also listed under Communications)
Course code: 5390007
An overview of the historical evolution of social, written and audiovisual communication models, from their origins to the present day, particularly the links between communication and power throughout history, with a view to equipping students with analytical skills that will enable them to develop their critical capacity.

Communication and Information Theory (Also listed under Communications)
Course code: 5390010
Study of the elements, processes and structures of communication, as well as the principal research methods and their historical evolution. Students will also critically analyse the production of news content across different media, based on the models and approaches provided by communication science. Knowledge of the main theoretical viewpoints for analysis of communication as a scientific discipline. Understanding of the context in which communication takes place and the factors involved at different levels of the communication phenomenon. Development of a critical approach to media content and its structure in the communication system.

History of Audiovisual Communication: From Analogue To Digital (Also listed under Communications)
Course code: 5390017
Study of the historical dimension of audiovisual media from the viewpoint of their manifestations in various regions of the world, as the technical aspects are covered by other course subjects. Provides key information on the historical evolution of the main audiovisual Communication media, from their respective origins until their convergence with the digitising of content, stressing technological democratisation as the decisive factor in creativity today. The content is developed in modules, each covering a full topic: film (Europe, United States, as well as “outliers” such as India and Iran), radio, television and the convergence of them all via the Internet.

History of Radiotelevision In Spain (Also listed under Communications)
Course code: 5390029
Getting an overview of the historical development of both radio and television in Spain , through a diachronic study. Content will include technical, artistic and formal aspects of the media and their relation to different stages of the Spanish sociopolitical reality, from dictatorship to democracy through the transition. All the theoretical content will be seen from the critical analysis of radio and television formats that illustrate the history of broadcasting to this day. To understand the present and the future of communication in Spain it is necessary to understand its past.

Technology and Design of Written Information (Also listed under Communications)
Course code: 5380008
Study of the processing of written information for printed or digital publication. Analysis of phenomena related to typography as a means of visual expression in the ambit of the mass media. Students will learn to use various computer applications (involved in the development of online journalism) and design tools for the creation and production of different journalism formats, beginning with rudimentary concepts. At the end of the year, the students prepare a digital-newspaper project.