Liberal Arts

ART 3800 Artistic Monuments in Seville (3 credits) 
ARTE 3800 Monumentos Artístiscos de Sevilla (3 créditos) – Course Syllabus in Spanish
The main objective of this course is to introduce students to the historical, economical, artistic, social and religious aspects of Seville through its important and numerous monuments. The city itself will be the main guideline of this course. In each class meeting, students will study various artistic-architectural points of interest. Students will also be able to appreciate the cultural impact that many other cultures have left behind on the city throughout its history. 

Prerequisites: 5 semesters of college-level Spanish

LAB FEE: Students will have to pay 80€ to cover all entry fees during the visits.

HISTORY 3070 Latin America History (3 credits)
HISTORIA 3070 Historia de Latinoamérica (3 créditos) – Course Syllabus in Spanish (3 créditos)
This course covers the development of Hispanic and Portuguese America from the age of discovery to the present day. Seville is a particularly appropriate place to study this subject, as it was the first port and for many years the only one authorized for voyages to the New World. Seville is the permanent home of the Archives of the Indies.

Prerequisite: 5 semesters of college-level Spanish.

HISTORY 3370 Twentieth-Century Spanish History (3 credits)
HISTORIA 3370 Historia de España del Siglo XX (3 créditos) – Course Syllabus in Spanish
This course will examine Spain´s twentieth-century history main events, including the Spirit of ´98, Spain and World War I, the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, the Second Republic, the Civil War, the new order under Franco, Spain´s international isolation, the transition through King Juan Carlos I with the arrival of democracy and the latest historical developments.

Prerequisite: 5 semesters of college-level Spanish.

SPANISH 3640 Spanish Civilization (3 Credits) 
ESPAÑOL 3640 Civilización Española (3 créditos)
 – Course Syllabus in Spanish
This course offers the students a general overview of Spanish civilization from the beginning up to contemporary times. The course not only covers the development of the history in general, but it also strengthens the connection between the different structures that grow in any human community: economical activities, social and political organizations, culture, ideology, artistic, literary and religious activities. The objective is that the student understands the diversity of the country.

Prerequisite: 5 semesters of college-level Spanish.