Spanish Language and Grammar

FS-02 Conversation and Composition in Spanish for American Students
This Course is geared toward students who speak American English and who have no prior knowledge of Spanish. Its overall objective is to develop students’ capacity to express themselves orally and in written form, within routine sociolinguistic contexts, so that they can come to terms with them and cope adequately with them, the contrast with their mother tongue acting as a point of reference. Our endeavor is to enable students to initiate and keep up a conversation using limited vocabulary content, to produce phrases and basic conversational routines in a spontaneous way, to narrate and describe routine social situations, as well as to draft basic written forms, while keeping in mind orthographic, lexical and syntactic correctness, as well as pragmatic appositeness. Likewise, students will be provided with the chance to develop their comprehension skills in Spanish, becoming thereby adept at understanding real-life oral discourse adjusted to their level.

FS-12 Progressive Spanish for English-Speaking Students
This Course is aimed at English-speaking students who already have a basic knowledge of Spanish. Its key objective is to improve their communication skills by means of the consolidation of their grammar competence and of the introduction of practical vocabulary so as to enable them to cope with the usual communication situations of everyday life. On the one hand, teaching methodology will be based on the assimilation of grammatical rules and their practical application via specific activities and, on the other hand, will involve the gradual and iprogressive use of Spanish as a vehicle for communication within the classroom.