Spanish Language and Grammar

FA-02 Contrastive Grammar: Spanish-English
FA-02 Gramática Contrastiva – Course syllabus in Spanish
In this course, we will carry out a systematic comparison between English and Spanish. The emphasis will be on practical exercises that will help the student overcome the difficulties that Spanish presents for English speakers.

FA-03 Corrective Phonetics and Conversation
FA-03 Fonética Correctiva y Conversación – Course syllabus in Spanish
This Course, both theoretically and practically based, is designed to help students improve on, and take better advantage of, their communication skills (comprehension and production) during oral performance in Spanish.

FA-30 Introduction to Translation: Culture, Vocabulary, and Process 
FA-30 Iniciación a la Traducción: Cultural, Vocabulario y Proceso – Course syllabus in Spanish
This course aims to present the basic principles of translation between English and Spanish, for which a number of basic concepts will be explained to understand the process of translation.  

The process will be done in a practical way in order that the student acquires an understanding of the phases, and the practical tools currently used by translators. Two key concepts will be explained through translation: linguistic competence and cultural competence.  

This course seeks to make the student aware of the importance of good writing and the precise use of language.

FA-31 Progressive Spanish for English-Speaking Students
FA-31 Español Progresivo para Estudiantes Angloparlantes – Course syllabus in Spanish
This Course is aimed at English-speaking students who already have a basic knowledge of Spanish. Its key objective is to improve their communication skills by means of the consolidation of their grammar competence and of the introduction of practical vocabulary so as to enable them to cope with the usual communication situations of everyday life.

FA-43 Teaching English to Spanish Students: Methodology and Practice   
FA-43 La Enseñanza del Inglés a Estudiantes Españoles: Metodología y Práctica
This training course offers a theoretical and practical approach to the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) to Spanish-speaking students. Classroom practice will be fostered which includes activities in the class, activities outside the class under the supervision of a tutor and the opportunity to take part of the course in a Spanish school with Spanish students in the city of Seville.